
How to restore a leather handbag ?

Categories : Shoe Renovation , Tips

Do you want to restore an old or faded leather bag ? Whether it's a handbag or a wallet, discover our tips for successfully renovating and restoring your bag.

Products you need to restore a bag

What paint to restore a leather bag ?

To restore a leather bag and change the color, use the SneakArts leather paint to get the best results.

The SneakArts color range allows you to easily find the shade that best matches your bag. Leather paints have the particularity of being very resistant and to remain elastic.

What products to paint on a bag ?  

In order to successfully paint your bag, you must prepare the surface with a leather preparer and sandpaper.

But also a finisher to protect the paint once dry. To apply the paint to your bag, you can use a paint brush or a wool applicator.

peinture tissu

Restore a leather bag like a pro

It's time to restore your leather bag to get a nice color and hide any scratches or stains.

How to prep a leather bag ?

Before repainting your bag, start by cleaning the leather and preparing it by sanding it with 400 sandpaper, then degreasing it with a cotton pad and stripper. Sand in circular motions over your entire bag without pressing. Then remove the dust with the stripper.

How to recolor a leather bag ?

Use the paint to renovate your leather bag, or to change its color. Apply the paint with the applicator in thin layers and let the paint dry well between each layer (you can use a hair dryer for this).

Apply two to three layers to obtain a homogeneous result.

Fix mistakes and protect your bag

How to remove stains or paint on a bag ?

If you have overflowed, don't panic, you can fix your small mistakes by using a cotton swab and the SneakArts prep.

You can also protect the risky areas or those containing fabric using masking tape.

How to protect your leather bag ?

Once you have finished renovating your leather bag, don't forget to varnish the entire bag to protect it. Preferably use the matte varnish to preserve the natural color of the leather. Apply two thin coats with a brush, going delicately.

And there you have it, you have renovated your faded or damaged leather bag! You can do the same on all leather accessories or even shoes using our paints and the available materials.

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